Ugh... is it time already?! It doesn't seem like we've enjoyed the summer yet but I really think we just lazied it away. So since we have turned into August it is time to get started. I tend to follow the basic public school schedule because G has close cousins and they tend to compare. He even wanted a report card and grades last year because they were talking about theirs. ( roll eyes)
So here we are 3rd grade, We will be adding a new subject: writing. I am not looking forward to this because G like most boys do not like to put pencil to paper. He doesn't mind narrating and thinking of stories as long as I scribe. Well that is about to change. I have chosen to go with the
Institute for Excellence in Writing. I sat on that fence for a long time. I enjoy and am
inspired by Andrew Pudewa when I see him live... he's a Rock Star! So this year I finally jumped off that fence and took the plunge. I am hoping G will like him as much as I do. If not the company has a money back guarantee. That helped me greatly in my decision.
A couple of other subjects, though part of our lessons last year, are getting make overs. Grammer: I was so excited to use the ever popular
Intermediate Language Lessons by Serl. I got a like new copy on Paperback Swap... bo-nus. I thought it would be a great continuation to the
Queen series we have used over the last 2 years. But as I started writing out lessons in our master plan sheet I was not thrilled. I wanted more parts of speech work and in the six weeks I planned there was little. So I erased it all and ordered a cheap copy of Evan Moor's Daily
Language Review 3. I used it this workbook when I taught school and is gives a short but effective lessons. I really wanted to stick to the Charotte Mason-ish way to grammar but we'll see how this goes. I will also be adding in weekly Engish From the Roots Up cards. I purchased just a set of cards because I wanted more of a discovery of how roots work rather than a full on study.
Spelling: Last year I went through 3 books, organized and collated a master list, tested him orally and made weekly lists from the missed words. It went Ok, but just making the short vowel lists took forever. This summer I
read one of my many blog favs, and she uses a similar method but uses the
McGuffy Speller for her lists. Lightbulb... so I got a copy , again like new from PBSW. No more list making for me! Also at convention this spring, One of my favorite workshops was Pudewa's Spelling lecture. He talked about practicing spelling orally, a lot, before writing... like in the good ole days. Often, the script to the brain to the hand gets scrambled so spelling out loud before writing is helpful So we will be doing loads of oral practice before writing. Finally, by having the McGuffy lesson numbers it makes G feel impressed with himself. It took 4 lessons to miss 10 words. He was excited.
Our other subjects continue with companies I am really pleased with:
Mr. Q's Chemistry
supplemented with
Basher's Periodic Table,
Tocci's Periodic Table,
Inquiry in Action, and the
Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments.
Story of the World 3supplemented with
Opal Wheeler books,
American History Stories,
Young Scholar's Guide to Composers,
Jim Weiss CDs,
Complete Book of Presidents & States and
Complete Book of Maps & GeographyMath
MUS Gamma & DeltaLanguage Arts
Writing, Spelling , Grammar above
Book Adventure, Book Studies tied to history like
Sam the Minuteman,
Dewey Decimal
SystemFieldtrips! I want to go on fieldtrips... we rarely seem to take the time. I want to take the time this year.
What's new for you this year?