We started a fantastic new book last night... The Water Horse by Dick King-Smith. We got this book from the Library because we saw a preview for the movie at the theatre last week and it looked really interesting. We had read Smasher last winter by King-Smith and it was OK but not one of G's favorites so I wasn't sure how this one would go. The first chapter is wonderful with one of the best cliffhangers ever! Kirstie and her family go out beach combing after a huge storm and she finds an odd pod. Thinking it may be a mermaids purse, she sneaks it up to the house under some kelp. Being too big for a bucket Kirstie sneaks it into the house before bed and fills the tub with water and a whole container of salt. In the morning before opening the bathroom door she hears splashing and a strange noise.... she peers through the key hole. END OF CHAPTER ONE.
It has been a long time since G has BEGGED to continue a story... If he could read I think he would have ripped the book out of my hands.
The Chapter also left us with some great things to research and discuss....
Mermaids purse
I cannot wait to read the next chapter tonight!
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